Thursday, January 9, 2014

Rochii de mireasa la comanda ! / Custom Wedding Gowns

Wedding gown made by LadyHourglass

Incepand cu acest sezon venim in ajutorul mireselor care isi cauta rochia perfecta : rochii de mireasa la comanda. Orice idee poate fi pusa in practica pentru ca tu sa ai rochia mult visata in ziua cea mare ! 

Rochia din fotografii este de vanzare (este marimea S-M dar poate fi ajustata la cerere ).
(rochie din tulle si saten ,brodata manual, cu crinolina, )

Pentru mai multe informatii sau comenzi , mail la

Fotomodel : Nicoleta


  1. really really beautiful,marry?
    No matter what you're going through, it's always better if you have people to share it with.
    hope to be your new friend,my name is Jane-phoenix,nice to know you
    Love your style totally, shall we follow each other and share everything to each
    Pls post more! I love comment and browse blogs I followed!
    Please follow back as well will really appreciate it

  2. Rochia este superb croita! Contureaza corpul si materialul imbraca perfect! Mult succes in Noul An si salutari de la Bucuresti :)

    1. Multumesc mult ! Salutari si tie din Ardeal :)

  3. Hey,beautiful girl,you look so amazing, such lovely blog!!!
    No matter what you're sharing, it's always better if you have people to share it with.
    I am a new hand in blog,shall we follow each other and share beauties to each
    Hope to be your friend soon Pls post more!
    I love comment and browse blogs I followed!
    It would be a pleasure to keep in touch.
    may be you can check my blog and sharing everything:

    if u follow me,just let me know and I will follow back soon
    waiting for you,d

  4. wow,such beautiful looking
    thank you for sharing this to us ,enjoy here
    love the photos all!!!
    Hope to be your friend soon Pls post more!
    Would you like to follow each other? Just let me know in my blog
    hope you can check my blog and share beauty:

  5. So beautiful, just love the dress and the embroidery
